Etude No. 99 in c minor


42 in stock


« Syncopations »

Etude for both hands: for the difficulty of the beat.

This difficulty will not be found in the opening of this piece, because however it was calculated, any student well organized for music should not be stopped by the beat, as soon as the piece is slow. An attempt was made to make the musical phrase of the ALLEGRO, likely to be vividly expressed, so that it could be played with the abandonment and warmth that could be put into it, if it were not subjected to any kind of rhythm. It will also be necessary to find and use the various ways in which the note can be played; when the signs used in music are insufficient to indicate it, the student’s intellect must make up for it. The word ACCELERATO that has been used to describe the species of ALLEGRO of this piece, must mean a speed, a haste, a kind of uncertainty that is not the AGITATO itself, but that is better indicated by the very character of the piece, than by any denomination that could have been put there. (H. de Montgeroult)

(Bruno Robillard – 2006)

Additional information

Weight 160 g
Dimensions 32 × 22,5 × 0,5 cm