Etude No. 89 in a flat minor


34 in stock


« Solemn and pathetic »

Etude for both hands: about the difficult key.

The difficulty of the key can be considered as one of the difficulty of the forte-piano, because the mechanical construction of this instrument forces to change the denomination of the notes when modulating; there can then be confusion for the students who lack this kind of habit, that is why we composed this first example of a simple performance. The dotted eighth notes of this piece, as well as the chords that accompany them, must be pronounced, but without dryness or hand shaking. The single eighth notes will, in contrast, be extremely closely related.
The simple, pathetic and solemn character of this Etude denies itself to any kind of ornaments: the care to render them well dynamics will be enough to keep it. (H. de Montgeroult)