Etude No. 29 in c minor


41 in stock


Etude for both hands:  to scroll the keyboard neatlty.

To play this piece legato enough, you must not leave the last note of each triplet without touching the next one, and slide your hands slightly and close to the keyboard, to make them go through it without shaking. The speed of execution is nothing without sharpness; thus this study is a necessary continuation of those previously given on equality of fingers. In fast motions, the difficulty also consists of the intervals that separate each note, and the range to go through on the keyboard; the next piece will therefore present more challenges to the student than he has encountered so far; all the more so since the left hand shares the passages of the right, and it should not be inferior to him. The student will do well to work each part of this piece separately before putting the two hands together; he will thus be better able to the sharpness and equality of notes between them. (H. de Montgeroult)

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(Bruno Robillard – 2006)